5 Skills You Need to Be A Magnet For Cloud and IT Infrastructure Recruitment Agencies


5 Skills You Need to Be A Magnet For Cloud and IT Infrastructure Recruitment Agencies

5 Skills You Need to Be A Magnet For Cloud and IT Infrastructure Recruitment Agencies

With the growing availability of cloud-based IT solutions, an increasing number of companies are shifting their business processes to the cloud. According to Hosting Tribunal, 94% of enterprises already use a cloud service.

Having said that, the demand for cloud engineers is on the rise. Companies are looking towards hiring professionals who are well-versed in the latest cloud developments. However, the rising number of cloud and IT infrastructure jobs is translating into increased competition on the recruitment scene. You need to constantly upgrade your technical know-how to stay relevant in today’s competitive market.

Whether you are just breaking into the cloud industry or taking a step ahead in your career as a cloud pro, these skills will put you on the radar of prominent cloud and IT infrastructure recruitment agencies:

1. Develop Expertise In At Least One Cloud Platform

Knowing about the basics of cloud computing may seem enough to most professionals. However, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you should try to gain an advanced understanding of at least one cloud computing platform, such as:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Microsoft Azure
  • DigitalOcean
  • IBM Bluemix

Since cloud computing requires extensive technical knowledge and expertise, cloud and IT infrastructure recruitment agencies often favour applicants with advanced skills. In other words, specialised knowledge can help you get noticed by companies seeking experts in the field.

2. Work on Your Communication Skills

According to LinkedIn’s 2019 Global Talent Trends report, 92% of talent professionals and hiring managers identify soft skills as a significant game-changer. Additionally, about 89% of them feel that the typical “bad hires” lack desirable soft skills.

Communication skills are critical to a thriving career in cloud computing. As a resident expert, you will have to discuss departmental cloud platforms with internal stakeholders. Hence, you need to leverage your communication skills to clearly explain the benefits and disadvantages of each option.

Every job requires human interaction, and the cloud industry is no different. Developing strong soft skills can help you facilitate interactions with management, seniors, and peers. As a result, you will be able to carry out your responsibilities more effectively.

Additionally, you may be hired as a team leader or manager, wherein you will have to communicate and break down complex subjects for team members and clients

If you are thinking of pursuing customer-centric cloud and IT infrastructure jobs, you should be comfortable with connecting and negotiating with vendors as and when required.

Here are a few tips on how you can be a potent workplace communicator:

  • Listen as much as you speak. While this drives effective communication, it also allows you to show respect to the speaker.
  • Develop an awareness of different communication styles
  • Work on your ability to persuade others

3. Try to Get The Latest Certifications in Your Niche

Industry certification is often sought in the cloud and IT infrastructure recruitment drives as it signifies that the candidate has proven expertise in this field. While a certification alone may not guarantee success, it can offer you an added advantage.

For example, a Microsoft Azure certification is sure to open up several professional routes for you. This certification qualifies you for the following Azure jobs:

  1. Azure administrator
  2. Architect
  3. Developer
  4. Security engineer
  5. Data scientist
  6. Data engineer

Not only does certification enhance your eligibility for different advanced cloud and IT infrastructure jobs, it may also turn recruiters' opinion in your favour. As mentioned, most companies hire professionals with the skill and experience to handle enterprise-grade cloud computing networks. A certification establishes that you are well-versed in the intricacies of your subject.

4. Keep Building Your Network

Investing in professional relationships is essential to building a successful career in cloud computing. Networking can help you:

a. Improve Your Professional Skill Set

When you engage in discussions with industry seniors, you gain further insight into the complexities of and innovation in your profession. This knowledge can spur you on to fill the gaps in your existing expertise.

b. Monitor The Job Market 

A strong network automatically opens up a world of lucrative opportunities. You can consult your peers for job openings they may be aware of. Likewise, if your network comprises administrators from prestigious corporations, you can keep track of progressive job postings within their firms.

c. Meet Prospective Mentors

If you're just starting in the cloud computing industry, you want a mentor who can help you with implementing your theoretical knowledge in a practical scenario. Active networking can help you meet and interact with potential mentors.

Below, we’ve listed a few tips on how you can network better during your search for cloud and IT infrastructure jobs:

  • Create a networking style that is most suited to your personality
  • Start networking in places where you feel most motivated to meet professional interests
  • Always remember to follow up afterwards

5. Stay Curious About The Latest Developments In The Cloud

Cloud computing has gone through significant changes over the last decade. With this technology advancing at a steady pace, the cloud industry is set to evolve rapidly in the future.

Having said that, candidates looking forward to a thriving career in cloud computing need to have unending curiosity about this technology. In other words, you should consciously and constantly update yourself on the latest cloud developments. Curiosity ensures that you are always learning and expanding your existing knowledge base. Additionally, it shows that you’re invested in improving yourself.

When preparing for a cloud and IT infrastructure job, make time in your daily routine and read up on the latest cloud trends. If you’re a specialised cloud engineer, learn about new skills that can take your career further. 

Finally, work on diversifying your skillset as often as possible. Focus on developing two to three skills at a time, going in-depth enough to develop an above-average understanding of and competency in them.


Landing a cloud computing job in these turbulent times is easier said than done. However, the hunt for a suitable job never stops. These five essential skills can help you catch the eye of some of the most prominent recruitment agencies in the market. Alternatively, you can also get in touch with InfraView to make matters simpler for yourself. Call us at +44 (0)2036 17 1040 or email us at hello@infraview.co.uk to know more.

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