How To Create A Great Working From Home Process


How To Create A Great Working From Home Process

Working from home was prevalent in the IT Solutions & Services Provider sector even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, post-COVID we are expecting more companies to offer flexible and remote working options.

But how do you get the most out of the employees working from home?

Our Co-Founder Tim Davey offers his insight into how IT Solutions Providers can create a great working from home process:

“With what’s going on in the world at the moment, most people will understand the transition to a new world of working which includes working from home permanently or occasionally.

It’s not new for the IT Solutions & Services Provider space.

We were already very well versed in working from home, in particular in Pre-Sales, Consultancy and Project/Programme Management.

But now we’re also seeing more working from home roles in Managed Services and Operations as well.

So what should a great working from home process cover?

A great working from home process should:

  • Keep engagement and performance high
  • Foster a sense of trust and ownership
  • Avoid the isolation of staff
  • Give employees time back
  • Create more rounded employees
  • Help establish boundaries between work and home
  • Encourage balance and choice (work from anywhere)

Not everybody is keen to fully work from home, so offering flexibility is key in getting the most from a working from home process.

There also other areas a working from home process should cover, including:

  • Technologies and security
  • The environment an employee is working within
  • Streamlined lines of communication
  • Standards, structure and reporting
  • A robust HR policy

There’s a lot to think about and to get right, but a transition to a balanced working environment is an opportunity to shape the culture of your business and your company direction moving forwards.

Having options and balance around this is vitally important.”

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