How To Keep Employees Motivated While Working From Home


How To Keep Employees Motivated While Working From Home

As working from home becomes ever more prevalent in the IT Solutions & Services Provider space, it’s vital for managers and team leads to ensure their employees are satisfied and motivated.

A content workforce will be happier in their positions and more productive within your business.

How should you go about motivating teams working remotely?

Our Co-Founder Tim Cazemage lets us in on his secrets to keeping employees motivated when working from home:

“COVID forced a lot of people into working from home when they’re not used to it.

However working from home will be more prevalent post-COVID than pre-pandemic.

So keeping your team motivated while working remotely is crucial.

Over 2020 into 2021 there are a number of things we implemented here at InfraView to ensure our team are still enjoying the journey.

1. The famous quiz.

This was introduced in the early days of the pandemic (something I personally lost on a regular basis!)

These kinds of online games are an excellent and light-hearted way to keep a competitive spirit going and to have a little bit of fun.

2. Team health challenges.

We ran these as a way of encouraging a healthy lifestyle across our team members

3. Virtual coffees and lunches

It’s essential for mental health and productivity to take a step away during the work day, especially when working remotely. If you’re working on your own all day, it’s important to take a break to go out, go for a walk, spend some time outside of the house.

4. Spread the Knowledge Scheme

We created the Spread the Knowledge Scheme to rejuvenate the thought process of employees at InfraView, keeping their minds focussed and to keep inspirational ideas flowing freely throughout the business.

5. “Solve It”

This was a team favourite here at InfraView.

“Solve It” was created in order to encourage out-of-the-box thinking and implementation of ideas.

This took the form of a problem-solving exercise, whether it be a puzzle or even something more challenging.

It gets everyone using a different part of their brain, accessing creativity and bringing different members of the business together.

One of the biggest issues associated with working from home is that employees can feel disconnected, so implementing virtual team-building exercises is a great way of mitigating against this.

It fills the gap between home and office, developing company culture and brings remote employees closer into the business.

With these kinds of schemes and plans, it’s important to remember that “one cap doesn’t fit all”.

Not everyone will want to take part in online games, and so it’s important to not enforce this upon your employees.

The most important thing is to offer it to all and to make it fun.

Different things motivate different people.

When was the last time you asked your staff what motivates them?

Do you understand their goals both inside and outside of work?

Try it!

You may or may not be surprised, but either way you’ll have the chance to work with your staff knowing what will motivate them now and in the future.”

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