Why You Should Engage With Your Recruiter


Why You Should Engage With Your Recruiter

Here at InfraView we like to stay in contact with our candidates.


Because we value your journey and want to offer as much insight to you as possible.

There are many benefits to staying engaged with your recruiter even while you’re not actively looking for a new cloud job.

Our Head of Delivery Jimmy Hearne tells us why candidates should be be having more conversations with recruiters:

“Firstly I would say one of the main benefits is being able to stay on top of how the Cloud & IT Infrastructure market is moving.

Most professionals in the market are really busy throughout the day.

Information that we get when we’re speaking to multiple candidates in terms of technology trends, where the market is moving, what competitors are doing, recommendations for job opportunities is able to be passed onto you even when you’re not actively looking for a new job.

Sometimes when you’re not looking, that’s when the best opportunities arrive.

95% of the candidates we place into Cloud & IT Infrastructure roles aren’t actually looking.

The level of client we work with and the quality of those relationships enable us to really sell the opportunity, and then the client does the rest. It isn’t hard for our clients to sell themselves!

We can also offer candidates information on salary banding. Are you getting paid what you’re worth on the market? We can let you know the salary you should be looking at given your experience and skill set.

You can also refer friends and colleagues to us if you believe they’d be great for a new job opportunity.

There are lots of reasons why you should be engaging with your recruiter even when you’re not looking. There are some great benefits to this, and we love talking to candidates about our niche.”

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We help busy technology leaders recruit & grow the best teams in the Cloud & IT Infrastructure Solution Provider channel, whilst delivering exceptional service to candidates looking to build their careers.

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