What Feedback to Expect from your Recruiter


What Feedback to Expect from your Recruiter

If you’re a candidate in the interview process, you can expect to receive feedback at all stages of the process.

If you’re working with a recruiter, this will be your point of contact for all matters regarding the process, including feedback.

Our Head of Delivery Jimmy Hearne has some great advice to candidates about what feedback they should expect from their recruiter:

“There are number of different feedback topics recruiters should be giving candidates advice on.

Firstly, they should give candidates information around CV’s.

All businesses prefer CV’s and other documentation to be laid out in a certain way, both in terms of formatting and file type. Some hiring managers are really busy, so we take the time to give our candidates specific feedback on CV formatting to ensure they have the best chance to being seen for an interview.

Secondly, you can expect extensive and honest feedback around interviews.

This could either be personal feedback on your interview, or even information around previous interviews with that client to best prepare you as a candidate for that stage of the process.

Thirdly, candidates should expect feedback throughout the entire process.

This includes how the client are feeling around the hiring process, how you feel as a candidate, how the recruiter feels about it and overall feedback on the process after each stage.

It’s also important for you as a candidate to give your recruiter feedback. Not only does it help them to improve their own service which in turn benefits you as a candidate, but also gives them an idea of where you need more help in the process.

Feedback helps candidates to get the most from the hiring process, so it’s important the feedback you’re getting is constructive and honest.”

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